LVS is a low vacuum wound drainage system. The postoperative constant suction vacuum drainage in combination with a low suction force is the ideal drainage method and allows for better wound hemostasis, better flap apposition, less post-operative bleeding, reduced tissue damage and improved wound healing.

Orthopaedic surgeries
LVS is indicated for all surgeries and as a 600 ml system very ideal for orthopaedic surgeries where average 400 – 600 ml of wound drainage is collected, such as total knee replacement (TKR), total hip replacement.
Dislocation of the patella following haematoma has been reported after TKR. A large hematoma can cause a disruption of the medial retinaculum. This may cause patellar dislocation after primary total knee replacement.
Proper drainage of the wound fluid after TKR reduces the chances for haematoma formation.
Another use for surgical drainage following orthopedic surgery is to detect an early bleeder.
Proper drainage of the wound fluid after TKR reduces the chances for haematoma formation.
Another use for surgical drainage following orthopedic surgery is to detect an early bleeder.

Which Medinorm® kit to use?
LVS 600 ml with single drain connector or Y drain connector.
Possibility to choose between CH 10 or CH 16 drain.

The choice of article number depends on the requirement of the specialist or consultant surgeon.